Overview and constraints of EUDAT Core Metadata Elements#
Values in brackets refer to status of metadata elements: M = mandatory, O = optional and R = recommended
Community (O)#
The scientific community, research infrastructure, project or data provider who provides the (meta)data (occurence: 1). The name of the community is chosen by the metadata provider. This metadata element is generated by the EUDAT services.
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Free text.
Title (M)#
A name or title by which a resource is known (occurrences: 1-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Free text.
<title xml:lang="en">EUDAT Core metadata schema full example</title>
<title xml:lang="en">Subtitle</title>
Description (R)#
All additional information that does not fit in any of the other categories (occurrence: 0-n). May be used for technical information. Could be an abstract, a summary or a table of content. It is good practice to supply a description.
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Free text.
<description>XML example of all EUDAT Core Metadata Schema v1.0 properties.</description>
Keywords (R)#
Subject(s), keyword(s), classification code(s), or key phrase(s) describing the resource (occurrences: 0-n). Try to use keyword thesauri from community-specific vocabularies.
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
List of strings.
Identifier (M)#
A unique string that identifies the resource, ideally persistent (occurrences: 1-n). To supply alternate identifiers, repeat this property. Use attributes for defining the identifier type, e.g. "DOI", 'Handle', 'URL' or other types.
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
For allowed type values, see controlled list of limited identifier types.
<identifier identifierType="DOI">10.1594/WDCC/CCSRNIES_SRES_B2</identifier>
<identifier identifierType="ARK">2013A&A...558A.149B</identifier>
<identifier identifierType="URL">https://b2share.eudat.eu/records/bb8964ff899c4711a0e8875b87ab2800</identifier>
RelatedIdentifier (O)#
Identifier(s) of related resources (occurrence: 0-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
For allowed type values, see controlled list of identifier types.
<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="URL">url:https://schema.eudat.eu/application/citeproc+json/10.12345/eudat-core-example-full</relatedIdentifier>
<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="arXiv">arXiv:0706.0001</relatedIdentifier>
Creator (R)#
The main researcher(s) involved working on the data, or the author(s) of the publication in priority order (occurrence: 0-n). May be a corporate/institutional or personal name. To supply multiple creators, repeat this property.
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
The personal name format should be: family, given. Non-roman names may be transliterated according to the ALA-LC schemes.
Examples: Smith, John; Miller, Elizabeth
<creatorName>Miller, Elizabeth</creatorName>
Publisher (M)#
The name of the entity that holds, archives, publishes prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces the resource (occurrence: 1-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Examples: World Data Center for Climate (WDCC); GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ); Geological Institute, University of Tokyo
<publisher>EUDAT B2SHARE</publisher>
<publisher>Nasa GOV</publisher>
Contributor (O)#
The institution(s) or person(s) responsible for collecting, managing, distributing, or otherwise contributing to the development of the resource (occurrences: 0-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
List of names (personal or entities). The personal name format should be: family, given.
<contributorName>Miller, Elizabeth</contributorName>
<contributorName>Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum</contributorName>
Instrument (O)#
The technical instrument(s) used to produce the data in the resource (occurrence: 0-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Instrument PID and/or name.
<instrument>Instrument name without identifier</instrument>
<instrument instrumentIdentifier="10.1594/WDCC/CCSRNIES_SRES_B2" instrumentIdentifierType="DOI">Instrument name</instrument>
PublicationYear (M)#
The year when the data is made publicly available. If an embargo period has been in effect, use the date when the embargo period ends. (occurrences: 1)
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Year in the form: YYYY
In the case of datasets, "publish" is understood to mean making the data available on a specific date to the community of researchers. If there is no standard publication year value, use the date that would be preferred from a citation perspective.
Language (R)#
The language(s) of the resource (occurrences: 0-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Allowed values should be taken from ISO 639-1 and 639-3 language codes. Examples: 'en', 'de' or 'eng', 'deu'.
Contact (O)#
A reference to contact information for this resource (occurrences: 0-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
List of names or institutions. Could also be an e-mail address, URL of contact form etc.
<contact>Research Data Office (University of Groningen)</contact>
Rights (R)#
Any rights information for this resource (occurrences: 0-n). The property may be repeated to record complex rights characteristics.
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Free text.
Provide a rights management statement for the resource or reference a service providing such information. Include embargo information if applicable.
Use the complete title of a license and include version information if applicable.
Example: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany License
<rights>Creative Commons Zero 1.0</rights>
ResourceType (O)#
The type(s) of the resource (occurrence: 0-n). Free text values allowed.
Dataset; text; survey data
Format (O)#
Technical format of the resource. Use file extension or MIME type where possible (occurrence: 0-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
PDF, XML, MPG or application/pdf, text/xml, video/mpeg
Size (O)#
Size information about the resource (occurrence: 0-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Free text. Examples: 123 MB, 3 pages, 5 cm.
<size>400 MB</size>
<size>102 files</size>
Version (O)#
Version information about the resource (occurrence: 0-1).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Suggested practice: track major_version.minor_version. Example: v1.02
FundingReference (O)#
Information about financial support (funding) for the resource (occurrences: 0-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Could be funder name and/or award number: BMBF, 01UG1774X ; DFG.
<funderName>National Science Foundation</funderName>
<funderName>Federal Science Organisation</funderName>
Discipline (O)#
The research discipline(s) the resource can be categorized in (occurrence: 0-n).
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
Biological and Biomimetic Chemistry ; Food Sciences
<discipline>Political Science</discipline>
Spatial Coverage (O)#
Spatial region or named place where the data was gathered or which the data is about (occurrence: 0-n). EUDAT Core offers the following possibilities to display geographical information:
- geoLocationPlace
- geoLocationPoint
- geoLocationBox
- geoLocationPolygon
Allowed values, examples, other constraints Recommended, in accordance with DataCite: Use WGS 84 (World Geodetic System) coordinates. Use only decimal numbers for coordinates. Longitudes are -180 to 180 (0 is Greenwich, negative numbers are west, positive numbers are east), Latitudes are -90 to 90 (0 is the equator; negative numbers are south, positive numbers north).
<geoLocationPlace>Atlantic Ocean</geoLocationPlace>
Temporal Coverage (O)#
Period of time the research data is related to (occurence: 0-n). Could be a date format or plain text. EUDAT Core offers the following possibilities to display temporal information:
- startDate
- endDate
- span (name of time period, e.g. Paleocene)
Allowed values, examples, other constraints
YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD or any other format or level of granularity described in W3CDTF. Years before 0000 must be prefixed with a - sign, e.g., -0054 to indicate 55 BC.
<startDate format="ISO-8601">2004-03-02</startDate>
<endDate format="ISO-8601">2005-06-02</endDate>